Friday, May 22, 2020

Beneficios migratorios de matrimonio con puertorriqueño

Cuando una persona extranjera se casa con un puertorriqueà ±o, en la Isla o en uno de los 50 estados de la Unià ³n Americana, produce los mismos efectos migratorios que casarse con un nativo de Iowa o Texas o con un ciudadano que adquirià ³ la nacionalidad por naturalizacià ³n. Desde el punto de vista legal en todos los casos dichos se trata de lo mismo: matrimonio con un ciudadano americano. Aunque Puerto Rico tiene estatus de Territorio o Commonwealth, su gente es ciudadana americana desde el momento de su nacimiento.   Resaltar, ademà ¡s, que  la ley de inmigracià ³n que aplica en Puerto Rico es la de Estados Unidos. Efectos migratorios de matrimonio con un puertorriqueà ±o Los puertorriqueà ±os que se casan con una persona extranjera pueden solicitar para sus cà ³nyuges la green card o tarjeta de residencia permanente por matrimonio. Esto aplica tanto a matrimonios entre un varà ³n y una mujer como al conformado por dos personas del mismo sexo.   El matrimonio puede haberse celebrado en Puerto Rico, Estados Unidos o en cualquier otro paà ­s, siempre y cuando sea và ¡lido. Tener en cuenta que si un ciudadano inicia la  tramitacià ³n para pedir a su cà ³nyuge, puede cancelar la solicitud  en cualquier momento del proceso, si cree que realmente  no està ¡ tan enamorado  como creà ­a o que la otra persona quiere mà ¡s a los papeles que al novio/a. La peticià ³n de la green card para un cà ³nyuge siempre se inicia con el Servicio de Inmigracià ³n y Naturalizacià ³n (USCIS, por sus siglas en inglà ©s). Dependiendo del lugar en el que se encuentre el cà ³nyuge para el que se piden los papeles, se puede seguir uno de los 2 trà ¡mites siguientes: ajuste de estatus si ya està ¡ en Estados Unidos y sus territorios y puede ajustar su estatus. En este caso se puede presentar conjuntamente la peticià ³n de cà ³nyuge y el ajuste de estatus.procedimiento consular, para cuando el cà ³nyuge pedido està ¡ fuera de Estados Unidos y sus territorios o cuando sà ­ està ¡ presente en EE.UU. pero no puede ajustar su estatus. Por ejemplo, si està ¡ como indocumentado e ingresà ³ al paà ­s cruzando ilegalmente la frontera. Si el cà ³nyuge extranjero tiene hijos solteros menores de 21 aà ±os, el puertorriqueà ±o puede pedir una green card para estos  hijastros, presentando una solicitud diferente para cada menor que se desea pedir. Ademà ¡s, si la green card se obtiene antes de cumplir los 2 aà ±os de casado, el cà ³nyuge pedido recibirà ¡ una tarjeta de residencia no permanente y està ¡ obligado a levantar la condicionalidad al cumplirse dos aà ±os desde que recibià ³ la tarjeta verde. Finalmente, despuà ©s de tres aà ±os casado, el extranjero puede solicitar adquirir la ciudadanà ­a estadounidense por naturalizacià ³n. Problemas que pueden surgir en la tramitacià ³n de la green card por matrimonio En una peticià ³n de esposos bà ¡sicamente pueden aparecer 4 problemas: Que el solicitante no pueda hacerlo porque cometià ³ en el pasado ciertos delitos que lo incapacitan para pedir a un familiar. Son los llamados Adam Walsh.Que el solicitante no tenga  recursos econà ³micos suficientes para patrocinar  y no encuentra copatrocinador.Que el USCIS no se cree que el matrimonio es de verdad.  Estas son preguntas tà ­picas  que sirven a los oficiales de inmigracià ³n para determinar si el casamiento es de verdad o se trata de uno fraudulento para obtener los papeles.Que la persona extranjera para la que se piden los papeles tiene en sus circunstancia al menos una que  va a hacer que la peticià ³n se deniegue  por considerar que es inadmisible para los Estados Unidos. En este à ºltimo caso caben varias posibilidades, pero es muy importante entender que estar casado con un ciudadano, en este caso un puertorriqueà ±o, no da derecho a arreglar los papeles si no se cumplen todos los requisitos legales. Por ejemplo, un indocumentado que ingresà ³ a Estados Unidos cruzando ilegalmente la frontera no puede ajustar el estatus en el paà ­s. Y, si inicia los trà ¡mites, tendrà ¡ que salir a una entrevista a un consulado estadounidense y en el momento en el que sale aplica el castigo o penalidad de los 3 o de los 10 aà ±os  por presencia ilegal.  Y a partir de ahà ­, todo son problemas. Por eso es fundamental antes de iniciar los trà ¡mites asesorarse adecuadamente para saber si se puede arreglar los papeles o si van a surgir problemas graves. Ademà ¡s, saber cuà ¡ndo es posible solicitar un waiver, tambià ©n conocido como perdà ³n, para arreglar el problema y cuà ¡ndo ni siquiera la ley permite hacerlo. Opciones para novios Cualquier ciudadano americano que està © pensando en casarse en Estados Unidos  con su novio/a extranjero que reside en otro paà ­s puede considerar la opcià ³n de una peticià ³n de visa K-1 para prometidos (fiancà ©). En este caso la boda tendrà ­a que producirse dentro de los 90 dà ­as siguientes al ingreso del novio extranjero a Estados Unidos o Puerto Rico. La posibilidad de pedir una visa K-1 sà ³lo beneficia a ciudadanos americanos, no pueden solicitarla los residentes permanentes legales. Estos sà ­ pueden pedir a sus cà ³nyuges, pero ya deben haber contraà ­do matrimonio. Por el contrario, si un novio extranjero sà ³lo desea visitar a su enamorado boricua, entonces la visa a pedir es la de turista, a menos que se pertenezca a un paà ­s del Programa de Exencià ³n de Visados y la duracià ³n de la estancia sea inferior a 90 dà ­as. Viajar a Puerto Rico Documentacià ³n que se necesita para visitar Puerto Rico, desde otro paà ­s o desde uno de los estados de Estados Unidos. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

The Inexplicable Puzzle Into 50 Expository Essay Topics

The Inexplicable Puzzle Into 50 Expository Essay Topics To begin with, it's essential to understand this in order to understand how to compose an essay, you should find a great sample, expository essay is pretty hard to write and you'll probably require assist. If you don't believe you have sufficient basic wisdom and experience to compose a brilliant expository essay, you may use the custom made paper help online. Since it is possible for you to be asked to compose this sort of essay in an exam or during class, it's better to write about a topic you know and have extensive understanding about but also does not need a long duration of time to finish. When you're assigned to compose an expository essay, the very first thing you will have to know is the way to write it. Though creativity and artfulness aren't always connected with essay writing, it's an art form nonetheless. There is a vast selection of expository topics covering nearly every area of knowledge you could make use of for your essay. You're able to easily use our tool to create expository research paper topics for your college requirements. Benefit from this extraordinary generosity, select the best topics for an essay and revel in expository writing! Explain why you're interested in a specific career. If this is the case, you could have a great beginning to your expository essay. It requires time to turn into good at writing essays and the sole means to do this is to experiment and write. The trick to writing successful expository essays is to select a topic that's related to your interest and has the potential to generate lots of interest in the audience. Creating an effective essay of this kind might appear to be a tougher task in contrast to other essays. Without an essay outline, it would be tough to recall the essential sections, arguments, logical stream of essay, and general structure. Your very first paragraph should also have a very clear and defined thesis statement. The introductory paragraph will have a thesis statement and the theme needs to be grounded. The introduction might be the first paragraph of someone's research paper. If you already understand how to compose a narrative essay, you also be aware that the introduction is the very first and most vital portion of any written assignment. Narrative essay topics Narrative essay is a little different from different types. To begin with, you should secure the significance of the expository essay definition and decide on the topic you understand well or at least find it interesting to find out more about. Should you need some help to locate a very good topic for your expository essay assignment, you can utilize It's possible to write about nearly every topic you enjoy. There are many essay types, and at times the topic itself is as critical as the kind of the essay you're assigned. The purpose of any expository writing is to reveal the characteristics of notions indicated in this issue. Bear in mind, though you might not be crafting the upcoming great novel, you are trying to leave an enduring impression on the folks evaluating your essay. There are dozens and dozens of compelling topics out there which can be meticulously explored, but choosing one that you're interested in would help it become a tiny bit easier and more fun. When you are in possession of a well-formula ted topic, it's a half success of your final writing. As you have shaped understanding of the subject and produced a sort of draft, you can begin writing. This topic can be ideal for you whether you're as much fashionista for a tech junkie. You can open the procedure for topic selection by deciding upon a wide topic you're interested in. The examples I have discovered in the text help the reader to consider the issue differently, to estimate the seriousness of what is occuring. Year round school isn't a good idea. Writing an outline is particularly helpful once you are just about to compose an extensive academic paper. If you may think about this, you'll find it a lot easier to select a really fine title to work with. To begin with, it's essential to comprehend what it is about. It will be smart to throw in a paragraph on the hazards of smoking marijuana. In reality, giving a sample in your essay may be practical learning experience, and whenever your teacher grades you, you are going to know just where you went wrong which prospective employers aren't likely to inform you about. Take a look at the expository essay samples, which one can easily find online nowadays. Naturally, this issue of an essay is distinguished based on the students' age.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Does Satire Influence Elections Free Essays

In today’s political climate, Congressman Anthony Wiener uploading obscene photos onto Twitter to Governor Chris Christie creating traffic jams by closing a main toll area and now, Donald Trump. Malcom Gladwell, an author who currently writes for the New Yorker, indicates in the Satire Paradox that satire should be taken seriously to create change, but then it wouldn’t be funny. Gladwell talks about how ineffective satire was for SNL’s sketches throughout the 2008 presidential campaign and notes in the Satire Paradox, â€Å"Lord help us if some other, even less qualified and more frightening political figure comes along† (Gladwell). We will write a custom essay sample on Does Satire Influence Elections? or any similar topic only for you Order Now Now, Donald Trump is the forty-fifth President of the United States. In 2008, Sarah Palin’s lack of experience and communication skills provided SNL with a trove of political satire sketches. The satire of Palin gave a glimpse of what was to come should Senator John McCain and his running mate, Sarah Palin succeeded in contrast. During the presidential campaign of 2016, another work of satire by Saturday Night Live (SNL), created a parody of Donald Trump featuring Alec Baldwin. Alec Baldwin’s parody of Donald Trump was accurate. The characterization of Trump as thin skinned and extremely sensitive provided a glimpse of what was to come if he were to be elected as president of the United States. Satire proved effective to showcase the absurdity of Palin as vice president; however, as the political climate changes, satire loses its usefulness as seen in the 2016 presidential election. Palins’ inexperience was apparent through Fey’s characterization on SNL which was an effective form of satire. Fey had an easy task mimicking Palin. Fey copied the clothes she wore, her hairstyle and wore identical frames for her eyewear. Throughout Fey’s mockery, she accurately portrayed Palin as unknowledgeable about America’s geography. Fey continued with Palin’s inability to be define the Bush Doctrine which is about the various foreign policy principles. It is important that leaders are knowledgeable about the country they chose to lead. This made the audience question if Palin was equipped to take over as president should something befall McCain. Palin did not have any foreign policy experience and America questioned whether Palin understood exactly what a vice president does. In 2008 when SNL parodied Sarah Palin during the presidential campaign, it was entertaining, but it also forced Americans to think of who they chose to represent them. Tina Fey’s â€Å"timely impersonations† showed how unqualified Palin was suited for vice president (Esralew). It was hard to forget Palin’s interviews back in 2008. Her lack of knowledge and ignorance is seared in our memories. Although Palin was Governor of Alaska, she was unable to articulate any other experience that qualified her as vice president of the United States, let alone President. Fey’s parody of Palins’ inexperience helps show the importance of public opinion on politics. According to Gladwell, a month before the election, Tina describes and mimics â€Å"Sarah Palin’s crazy accent, ‘it’s a little bit of Fargo.’ She tried to base it on her friend Paula’s Grandma who would say, ‘Oh, this and that and stuff like that'† It lacks specificity because Fey uses terms like â€Å"this† and â€Å"stuff† to show Palin’s naivetà © in how she comes across. The focus remained on Palin, even though Senator McCain was the presidential candidate. The impact of Fey’s parody of Palin drew more criticism of Palin and as a result, many voters abandoned the GOP and voted for Obama. Sarah Palin’s communication skills were lacking, thus, highlighting her inability to prove that she was, indeed, qualified to become the next vice president of the United States. In her interviews, Palin appeared flummoxed in her responses. Palin had participated in two key interviews with ABC and CBS news outlets which allowed the public to see for themselves how uncomfortable and indecisive she appeared. She frequently paused throughout the interview as though she was trying to come up with an acceptable response. On September 11, 2008, Sarah Palin was interviewed by Charles Gibson. Gibson asked Palin, â€Å"What insight into Russian actions, particularly in the last couple of weeks, does the proximity of the state give you?’ Palin responds, ‘They’re our next-door neighbors and you can actually see Russia from land here in Alaska'† (Gibson). It was apparent that she had not properly prepared for the interview and seemed overwhelmed with the grueling process of the campaign. She was hurting McCain’s chance at the presidency. SNL’s effective satire continued to put a negative light on Palin. Her interviews were cut back and appearances limited. After the Gibson interview, SNL quickly mocked her words and provided the one line that is still associated with Palin today, â€Å"I can see Russia from my House!† With the ongoing claims that Russia had interfered with the 2016 Presidential Election, Palin responded in a farcical manner and tweeted, â€Å"Russia’s getting out of hand? So, says the defeated. Not to worry†¦ remember I can keep an eye on them from here† (Mazza). Gladwell seems to think Tina Fey’s mimicry was a failure, but as we knew, â€Å"Sarah Palin was not elected as vice president and has not held any public office since 2009† (Blu). SNL’s continued satire of Palin provoked Americans to pay attention. SNL satire was so effective in 2008 that it is still relevant now. The audience has to be receptive for satire to be effective; however, in 2016, during the Trump and Clinton presidential campaign, voters weren’t responding to the satire. Some conservatives do not watch SNL because the show has a liberal approach to politics. SNL used to be bi-partisan, now it is mostly liberal, thus, proving that satire was ineffective for Trump’s campaign. Throughout the course of the campaign, SNL had abundance of material to work with. The numerous interviews, speeches and remarks made it unbelievably easy for SNL to satirize Trump. He was accurately depicted as the narcissist misogynist that he is. According to Baldwin, â€Å"with Trump, we pretty much just re-created what he does, we maybe just put a bit more chili pepper in there to spice it up† (McGurk). Baldwin keyed in on Trump’s weaknesses and locked in on his sensitivity. Trump is sensitive about how much money he has and how smart he is. â€Å"He constantly mentions that he has gone to the best schools and that he attended Wharton Business School† (Balz). The SNL skits were hilarious. One sketch involved a campaign ad entitled, Racists for Donald Trump which was in two parts. The first part showed Middle America praising him and the second part showed the same people elaborating their message with white supremacist labels, clothing and writing. America was entertained, but his right-wing conservative support base dug in and continued to rally for Trump. Trump won the presidency because he was the lesser of two evils. To his support base, Trump represents change, but there is a cost to that change. â€Å"People were fully aware of his lack of values, divisiveness, his bigotry and history of abusing people,† but America did not care and it has been at a great cost (Balz). America is ridiculed and no longer the leader of the free world. In 2015, hundreds had protested Donald Trump’s appearance on SNL. It was learned that Trump â€Å"vetoed some of the sketches. He did this in order not to anger his support base in Iowa† who most likely were conservatives (D’Addario). In response to SNL’s continued mockery of Trump, he engaged his conservative support base through Twitter, informing them of SNL’s bias. Unfortunately, SNL allowed Trump to manipulate the scripted opening, as a result, â€Å"the episode was considered among the most sedative in the history of SNL† (D’Addario). SNL took control and parodied Trump the remainder of the campaign on their own terms to no avail. Satire was ineffective due to the fact that Trump vetoed some of the opening remarks. As for Trump being thin skinned, he was extremely sensitive about SNL’s portrayal of him, so he took the low road and of course, continued to tweet his dislike throughout the campaign. Trump’s tweets were key in increasing his support base and this contributed to the failure of satire. As SNL continues to soothe America with Alec Baldwin’s parody of Trump, Baldwin continues to be â€Å"liberal America’s ‘consoler-in-chief'† (McGurk). Ultimately, the political climate has changed and so, satire has to find a more effective way to engage viewers of all comedic media outlets. Satire can be both effective and ineffective, it depends on the climate. Gladwell believes that satire needs to hit hard and make an impact, he wants it to cause social change, but then it would lose humor. â€Å"Satire Paradox tells us that comedians are truth tellers, they zero in on issues we should not ignore† (Gladwell). In the end, â€Å"Satire allows you to say almost anything. That’s where the truth is spoken to power in our society. When you sugar-coat a bitter truth with humor, it makes the medicine go down† (Gladwell). Works Cited ump won: The insiders tell their story,† The Washington Post, November 9, 2016, Blu, Addison, â€Å"Malcolm Gladwell Doesn’t Understand Satire,†, January 17, 2017, D’Addario, Daniel, â€Å"Donald Trump played it safe on Saturday Night Live,† Time, November 8, 2015, Esralew, Sarah, â€Å"The Influence of Parodies on Mental Models: Exploring the Tina Fey-Sarah Palin Phenomenon,† Communication Quarterly 60, no. 3 (2012), 338–352, journalCode=rcqu20 Gibson, Charles, â€Å"Charlie Gibson Interviews GOP Vice Presidential Candidate Sarah Palin,† ABC News, November 23, 2009, Gladwell, Malcom, â€Å"The Satire Paradox,† The Revisionist History, August 18, 2016, Mazza, Ed, â€Å"Sarah Palin Can Still See Russia, Promises To Keep An Eye On Them,† Huffington Post, December 12, 2016, McGurk, Stuart, â€Å"Alec Baldwin: ‘What you see with Trump is how Hitler got elected,'† GQ Magazine, October 1, 2018, How to cite Does Satire Influence Elections?, Papers